In this final installment of "The Trough" arc, roommates Kendall Smith and Drew Johnson continue their rescue mission by venturing deeper into the erotic jungle. While Kendall doesn't mind being naked and fucking the various monsters they come across, Drew remains clothed, not yet comfortable with using her female body in sex-battle.
Little do either of them know that Courtney, transformed into a man by the same Sexymorphosis spell, has a plan to stop our heroes once and for all!
Will Courtney succeed in her devious plan? Will Drew discover her true sexual power? Will our heroes ever make it back home, or will they remain in their sexy female bodies? Find out in "The Sexymorphosis 4: The Sexymorphosis Conquers All," on sale for $3.99 on Friday, October 17!
PLUS, in honor of the horniest day of Kendall Smith's life, be sure to visit this site on Saturday, August 23 to read an exclusive excerpt from this book!
AND, also coming out on Friday, October 17 is "The Sexymorphosis Adventure," which will include all four parts of "The Sexymorphosis" saga!
For just $6.99, less than 70% of the cover price of Parts 2-4 (since Part 1 is free), you'll get the entire saga in one convenient volume. The story will be re-formatted from four short stories into a single novella with renumbered chapters.
For those of you who want to check out any of the previous three installments of "The Sexymorphosis," including the free Part 1, click any of the links below!
The Sexymorphosis (Part 1 - FREE)
The Sexymorphosis Takes Hold (Part 2 - $2.99)
The Sexymorphosis Intensifies (Part 3 - $3.99)
So, mark your calendars, my dear readers, and stay tuned for more erotic tales from Blair Buford's Gender Swap Shop!
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